Sunday, January 13

what i intended to blog about

i was online last night at a cc in genting klang... forgot wat name it was, i think it was vnet or something like that... wanting to post up an update here.... then messages poped up in my friendster.... the messages were good... but the content wasn't and pleasing.... childish....

well, i dun wanna get all fussed up about that now... so on with my entry...

i just moved into yung shen's old flat in wangsa maju... vista wira2... and rented the smallest room at a relatively expensive price... the price to pay for being to lazy to continue searching around for a room to rent around desa setapak...

there isn't any internet connection neither is there a telephone line.... my other housemates don't want to get an internet connection before CNY as none of us will be home for a week or so and the rental will go to waste worh..... came saturday, i went to tm point to register for a telephone line... I NEED AN INTERNET CONNECTION.... dial-up is better than none... but i have to wait for two weeks or so before they come and install a telephone line for me... aihz.... sad....

and the night before that, i was in PJ.... didnt take the LRT... didnt take a taxi.... just two wheels.... my MOTORCYCLE.... hahahaha..... took me about half an hour just to get there from my place... and it was freaking cold.... should have worn my jacket...

well, once i reached my friend's place, they picked me up and we were off to william's.... where i met yung shen and jin and dwane and another guy i dunno who.... hahahaa..... such coincidence.... small world? yeah.... gotta agree with yung shen about eating at william's is like "having a meal at Chili's - at the roadside"... black pepper chicken pasta... sedap wuih.... and a honeydew blended... and a teh 'o' ais.... costed me rm22.... one of my most expensive trips to a mamak stall to makan.... and there isnt a proper menu.... neither a proper introduction of the food they serve there..... when asked, "ada apa makan ?" i was replied, "nak pasta, goreng atau roti?".... when i said pasta, he asked "nak ayam, daging, seafood atau itik pun ada.... try seafood, seafood bes mia"..... i decided for ayam and that was my order.... all i knew at that point was i was goanna have pasta... dunno which type... with chicken.... datz all.... swt... lalalalala....

soon after a lil chit chat, we left for dunno where to play basketball in the middle of the night till bout 4 something and i left for home at 5..... and the journey was colder than ever... gosh.... i find myself queer at times... hahahaha...

oh and i just emailed friendster... hopefully they'll fulfil my request so that i can file in a suit for defamation, libel and threatening..... lalalalala....

btw jean, tml night dinner right ??? i got tuition class from 7-10.... sorry for telling you last minute..... paiseh paiseh....

hungwee.... i think i'll grab a burger outside of orange before i leave... hmmm..... daging double... whee...~! RAMLI !!!

LPPL... love peace, peace love yaw... \m/

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