Tuesday, February 27

survey : 50 questions.... taken from jean

1. Story behind your fv song
:: is Canon in D a song ???

2. What month were you born in?
:: ummm... dowan tell.... =P

3. Where do you live?:
:: opposite the state prison

D E S C R I B E Y O U R .

4. Wallet:
:: it looks like my pocket.. wait, it is..... XD

5. Dream car:
:: Big... yup... big... monster truck big.....

6. Toothbrush:
:: pink..

what happened to no.7

8. Pillow Case:
:: white.

9. Eyes:
:: round

10. House color:
:: colourful

11. Love life:
:: taking a turn.... for the better....XD

12. Cologne/Perfume:
:: blue

13. CD in stereo:
:: which one..... =P

14. Piercings:
:: none.... hmmm....

W H A T A R E Y O U .

15. Wearing:
:: LSCS 2002 tshirt

16. Wanting:
:: to go down to kl..

17. The last thing you ate?
:: sotong..

18. Something you are afraid of?
:: the dark

19. Do you like candles?
:: yups... me pyrophilic.... XD XD XD

20. Do you like the taste of blood?
:: pigs blood you mean ??? if it's cooked, then yeah...

21. Do you believe in love?
:: love ??? jeah...

22. Do you believe in soul mates?
:: jeah...

23. Do you like seafood?
:: LOBSTERS !!!!

24. Do you remember your dreams?
:: not really...

25. Do you consider yourself a study freak?
:: sama macam jean.... FUCK NO !!!..... but i wish i was, am... and will be... XD

26. Do you like tattoos?:
:: geli lah....

27. Do you believe in miracles?
:: yup yup..... i believe in magic too.... XD

28. Do you burn easily in the sun?
:: i wouldn't have taken my bike license if do burn easily in the sun....

29. Do you speak another language other than English?
:: ummm... aboh ????

30. What's something you wish you could understand better?
:: idiots

31. Are you shy around a crush?
:: dunno worh...

32. Got any plans for the weekend?:
:: meetings...

33. Do you miss anyone?
:: got got... hehe...

35. Orange juice or apple?
:: teh tarik komtar !!!

36. Who were the last people you went out to eat with?
:: my colleagues

37. What was the last text message you sent?
:: "think it over, tell me later....XD no worries man."

38. Lucky number?
:: 4918498

39. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
:: i dun think ever loh...

40. Have you ever won a trophy?
:: got lah.... auite a number..... =D

41. Are you a good cook?
:: yup yup.... wanna try my cheese cakes ???

42. Do you know how to pump your own gas?
:: dunno what gas u tokkings oso...

43. Do the Chinese really use cats in their food?
:: me amrican.... i hate spam

44. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school?
:: school worh... sure got lah...

45. What was the last movie u saw in the cinema?
:: protegé... i guess....

46. Would you rather find true love or be a millionaire
:: take both to dinner and slowly decide...

47. Do you believe in love at first sight?
:: nope....

48. What is/are your favorite animal (s)?
:: turtles.... when they're small... easy upkeep...

49. Who is the second last person to call you?
:: Peng Hong

50.What do you like about yourself?
:: my appitite

Monday, February 26

Zé List

well.... just a reminder list of stuff to get done... at some places....

  • Penang Free School
  • off Burma Road
  • somewhere dekat itu Union primary school

one more month..... hmmm....

lalalalaa..... WoW !!!!

LPPL.... love peace, peace love yaw...\m/