Saturday, January 12

FW: CAution... Rapist in Wangsa Maju..Im Dead Serious!!

FW: CAution... Rapist in Wangsa Maju..Im Dead Serious!!
Message: ----------------------------------
Original message from Benjamin:
There is a Rapist out there that goes by the name Paul Ang from penang. he is currently staying in wangsa maju and studies in UTAR!!! this is not a prank... this guy really exist... this particular bastard almost raped my friend... he studied in St.Xavier in penang and if anyone knows him, pls tell him to watch his back...yes, even in penang...

if you all are curious who he really is pls check out his friendster at Paul's URL:

Pls tell your friends and warn them about this man... and check out ur nearest street lamps and walls soon... this notice is not juz gonna be posted in friendster... its gonna be around in wangsa maju...PAul, if you are reading this, Take Good Care Of Yourself!!! Im Serious... You give guys a bad name...

at this point i'm freaked out by myself..... maybe soon enough i'll make it to the headlines soon enough.... and i'm getting kinda anxious about getting my very own poster on street lamps and walls.... =D free publisity.... i think i should start writing a book or maybe making an album which i can sell once i get famous.... hmmm.... not a bad idea eh ??? wonder when the police will start hunting me down....

i just dun get why some ppl are so childish.... what is it with these people ??? having too much free time... so they start wasting bandwidth this way.... and i'm even asked "is this real? just wana confirm by u.." by someone random off friendster.... ppl these days.... aihz... *shakes head*

am left speechless.... aihz.... anyway, will take good care of myself.... like i always do.... =D

btw.... just wanna thank the random ppl for giving me the heads up on this issue....

now to find out who.....

LPPL.... love peace, peace love yaw.... \m/

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