Monday, July 2

*to be left untitled*

everything said out was meant to be heard.... but some times, it wasnt meant to be heard by everyone else.... though many things were better left unsaid, most were better off said straight into the face.... there are so many ways to inpret a short phrase.... yet many choose to think of it in a more common perspective and just leave it as it is....

there's two sides to a coin.... what's a coin if it only has one side printed ??? when you lay a coin on the table... all you see is one side of it.... you know it's a 50 sen coin.... pure assumption... ppl are just too lazy to flip the coin and see the other side of it before telling ppl "hey, this is a 50 sen coin".... okay that sounded lame.... but i think you get the meaning....

all ppl hear is from one point of view and make assumptions... rather than listen to both or more parties concerned and make a conclusion from it....

i derno.... i've just entered the state of being frus....


LPPL... love peace, peace love yaw...\m/

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