Monday, March 10

trying to be profound....

yesterday is but a dream
and tomorrow is a vision....
but today well-lived,
makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
and every tomorrow a vision of hope....

am laden with assignment deadlines and mid term tests.... it's week 10 already and less than 5 weeks to my finals.... and i haven't started studying...

oh the pressure... oh the lazy~ness.... aihz... i think it's some what propotional to me.... the more pressure i get, the lazier i feel.... WHY LAH WHY ~!!!???!!!!

LPPL.... love peace, peace love yaw....\m/

1 comment:

david santos said...

To avoid such a tragedy happening again, and for the salvation of our children, we are doing a worldwide campaign, displaying the image of NURIN JAZLIN JAZIMIN in blogs all over the world on 25th April 2008. Let's not forget NURIN JAZLIN.