Thursday, September 23

Fight Fight Fight.......

haihz... fighting over songs...... why ??? not the students.... da teachers.... why ??? WHY ??? no we have confirmed that we will only be singing angels on speech day esok...... and howell is quite mad about that..... blowing his top...... pity him oso ler..... but wattudo..... we sing angels better than forever....... let me remind everyone that the attire for speech day isn't as we agreed a few dayz bek..... it's.......

1. School Uniform
2. School Tie

we are allowed to wear our ties half way up.. unbutton ur top most button but remember u gotta wear ur tie... !!! wear ur tie........ hehehehe.......... i'll stop here for the moment....... update later.......
damn scared ler. nanti markah moral kita semua terjejas....... MENAKUTKAN !!!!

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