Got complaints bout me not blogging….. c’mon ler guyz… me gotta study oso wan mah…… haiyo !!! okay anyway here I’m bek blogging……
Well….. we still won’t hav to go bek 2 sch yet….. hehehehe……… but it’ll be soon…. and when the day comes….. which is this Thursday…… it’s the beginning of our wrath !!! die dee lah…… add maths lah….. haiyo…… and there’s no point me putting up my ramalan for add maths…. Well if u all really wanna know…. U all do ur own calculation……
1. wateva came out in 2003 AND 2002, it’ll come out again this year……wateva came out last year but not 2002, wun come out kwa….
2. wat came out 2002 but not last year will come out
3. wat came out last year but not 2002 maybe tak keluar lah
4. wateva that NEVER came out last two years…… sure to come out……
but for da kaedah for pembezaan with the had delta x menghampiri kosong wan ar…… never ask before…… but study for the sake of studying yah ???
Okie now to sejarah…… let me make things simple….. only ramalan nia k ???
1. makna tamadun
2. sistem pemerintahan yunani & rom
3. pendidikan di china
4. kerajaan agaria
5. candi
6. getah
7. wawasan 2020, masyarakat m’sia
8. langkah penubuhan m’sia
9. tanggungjawab anda sebagai pelajar
10. ciri badan berkanun…..
[overall…. It’s form 4, bab 4,6&9….. form 5, bab 2&9
for the first time I’m posting something that everybody wants……. hahahaha…… atleast for the form5s it is lah….. hehehe……
dun worry….. i’ve got coming soon…… Bio…. Chemistry…… and Fizik……. Kenot post so early…. Me must have the advantage mah !!! hahahahha……..
BM and ENGLISH study urself lah…….. haiyo……. Dun harapkan tips.…..
All stated above are only a ramalan…… I shall not be responsible if the above doesn’t come out in SPM…….. dun blame me if u all dun get straight 1A…….. but thank me when it really does come out…….. hehehehe……
VPA™ ® ALL RIGHTS TERPELIHARA….. Tiada bahagian daripada terbitan ini boleh diterbit semula, difotostat, di-cut, copy and pasted, ditulis semula, dicetak keluar, di-scan keluar dengan mata dan otak atau apa-apa jua cara cara untuk tujuan-tujuan hendak diberi kepada girlfren-girlfren ataupun boyfren-boyfren sekalian tanpa kebenaran daripada pemilik hak cipta terlebih dahulu…….. okay ??? tak okay pun kena okay…… aiyo dun so kek-sim lah…… give my blog a lil bit of publicity lah…..ask them come here and see for themselves…… Viva La 5Sc1… !!!!
Sunday, October 31
useful stuff..... at last.. for once..... hahahaha
Wednesday, October 27
Onward my fellow comrades...... SPM is nearing!!!
school's out for us and SPM is just around the corner..... i gotta apologize for not blogging recently and i won't be blogging so often..... sorrie...... coz we've a battle to prepare for...... the battle of our lives..... SPM !!!! well anyway....... ManU might have won this battle but they haven't won the war !!! arsenal will get the title for the league......not ManU... so Viva la Arsenal !!!..... muahahahahha...... to all you guyz out there...... GOOD LUCK in our upcoming battle.... SPM !!!! may god bless you all !!!
Thursday, October 14
Blogs blogs and more blogs...........
anyone of u all out there got blogs ar ???? well.... i got so far two blogs done by our class mates.....
First up we've got the Wah Chai Sdn. Bhd. Blog done by our class accountant, Fah Wai.... oppss.... Cheon Wah.... better known as Dexter... the next M'sian Idol.... he has won the award for the most 'creative' accounts kept for the year 2004. He is also the 1st runner up for our very own Xaverian Idol... hahaha... our tag board is currently linked to that site......
Next we've a blog done by 5Sc1's great catholic preacher.... Father Kram's Blog.... themed "Why is the world so f**ked up!!" the blog is about why is the world so f**ked up!! he has won numerous awards of preaching and is a world reknowned philosopher..... if u have any problems about anything... he's there for you.... the catholic church welcomes everybody...... he is also the favourite student of Pn. Tham..... muahahahaha..... that blog will soon have a tag board linked here...... dun worry......
If there's any other blogs done by members of 5Sc1... do tell me... and u'll get a tag board which is linked with the other blogs....... hahahaha.....=)
First up we've got the Wah Chai Sdn. Bhd. Blog done by our class accountant, Fah Wai.... oppss.... Cheon Wah.... better known as Dexter... the next M'sian Idol.... he has won the award for the most 'creative' accounts kept for the year 2004. He is also the 1st runner up for our very own Xaverian Idol... hahaha... our tag board is currently linked to that site......
Next we've a blog done by 5Sc1's great catholic preacher.... Father Kram's Blog.... themed "Why is the world so f**ked up!!" the blog is about why is the world so f**ked up!! he has won numerous awards of preaching and is a world reknowned philosopher..... if u have any problems about anything... he's there for you.... the catholic church welcomes everybody...... he is also the favourite student of Pn. Tham..... muahahahaha..... that blog will soon have a tag board linked here...... dun worry......
If there's any other blogs done by members of 5Sc1... do tell me... and u'll get a tag board which is linked with the other blogs....... hahahaha.....=)
Tuesday, October 12
Nope..its not Paul! Its Wah Chai!!hahahahha i went to School yay!!! Paul Ang didnt go and so did 27 other people!!! Yupp! Our class attendance was only 14!!!!! YAHOO!! so quiet!
Ok...we played Boogles...I mean they played Boggles..i did something else..Voo end up drawing his "superb" art on the black board!! yes!! and Miss Pau told him not to draw any porno stuff and no vulgar language! aiyo!! too can Voo not do those things????? Hmm..well he drew a batik art i guess..i dunno! not sure !!hahha...Then Miss Pau went and play Boggles with the "GENIUSES"....Aaron "ahhhhh" khoo.. and Paul " Giggle..Giggle...I know everything" Yeoh..hahahahhahaha....Miss Pau kicked their much for calling them "GENIUSES"!!!! muahahahha....
Ok..well...continue with.........................................BOGGLES.....AGAIN!! We got so bored, so we ask Miss Chan to bring in RADIO!! we listen to!And...i still did my something else while the rest played...hmm..u know wat la...(BTW....NO SCRABBLES!!! OUT OF STOCK) Miss Chan and Ah Voo happily punching and punching and punching each other...OOPS!! i mean papers...which reminds me of YE last year which again BTW i got RM 3.50 for the whole year! while others got more than 10 time s wat i got!! Hmm..too bad..i didnt learn moral yet...if not, can complain to the Akta Buruh! yay! During the period...guess wat...Paul came no..not Paul Ang..he is still sleeping...BRO PAUL came in to the class and ask us to arrange the tables properly...and luckily he didnt scold us for the RADIO....Then....RECESS LO!
Ok...I ate Curry Chee Cheong Fun (CCCF)..there were a lot of ppl in the canteen...and my CCCF coz only 1.50...yay! and i sat on a different table becoz the lower "beh hiow siaung" 6 girls sat on the usual FORM 5 table...hmm...okla...i dun think u wanna know wat i ate or drank later la
Ian!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!! the first thing he came in..and ask "where is everybody" ok...not the question u expect....well...the question we usually expect pop up after that... " where is Oscar?" hmmmmmmm then somebody ask "why din ask bout kenny" and Ian asnwer "why must i ask 4 him?" hmm this shows that he is very loyal to one person oni.....well of coz we say absent lo..then ma bincang paper lo..then ma free period....
Datin....Datin.....Datin...came in ask us to clear the table...clean the class...and ask somebody to throw the rubbish and of coz i have to do it coz see khoon not here..i cant ask the fat ass to stand and clear the fat rubbish!...rite? At first I tot ah liang rasuk into her...but i finally confirmed its DATIN..coz she oni gave the Melaka to ppl that came...well....its DATIN....and sit down on the table with her "PN MOK PASAR MALAM LOOK ALIKE" microphone....the one where someone use to sell the cepelang cepelang stuff...and instead of discussing the anwers...she GAVE the answers directly from the skema...and watever which is not on the skema..its usual...and she will skip to another question if u ask too much..and she just ignore u..hmm...typical Datin..and I wonder whether the Kementerian is Blind or desperate for a Fizik Marker...I think they are from St.Nicholas..ok...then..bell rang..and she went out of the class pushing her trolly like a "fat" air stewerdest..( ME DUNNO HOW TO SPELL ) and the corridor was like the run way....muahahahhaha
Pn goh as usual gave papers..BUT!!! must buy 4D oledi coz she din force to take..and she talk bout ASEAN scholarship mostly during this period..well her daughter get ma..gv some tips how to cheh cheh to get the thing lo..heehe..then ma go home lo...1.30 ma..then i scold the fat ass genius and ask him to lock all the doors and windows!!!
Sounds like a fun day to me!! so guys..dun come to school!!! ok!!! PROMISE!!???
SIgning offf.......*~Wah~Chai~*
Ok...we played Boogles...I mean they played Boggles..i did something else..Voo end up drawing his "superb" art on the black board!! yes!! and Miss Pau told him not to draw any porno stuff and no vulgar language! aiyo!! too can Voo not do those things????? Hmm..well he drew a batik art i guess..i dunno! not sure !!hahha...Then Miss Pau went and play Boggles with the "GENIUSES"....Aaron "ahhhhh" khoo.. and Paul " Giggle..Giggle...I know everything" Yeoh..hahahahhahaha....Miss Pau kicked their much for calling them "GENIUSES"!!!! muahahahha....
Ok..well...continue with.........................................BOGGLES.....AGAIN!! We got so bored, so we ask Miss Chan to bring in RADIO!! we listen to!And...i still did my something else while the rest played...hmm..u know wat la...(BTW....NO SCRABBLES!!! OUT OF STOCK) Miss Chan and Ah Voo happily punching and punching and punching each other...OOPS!! i mean papers...which reminds me of YE last year which again BTW i got RM 3.50 for the whole year! while others got more than 10 time s wat i got!! Hmm..too bad..i didnt learn moral yet...if not, can complain to the Akta Buruh! yay! During the period...guess wat...Paul came no..not Paul Ang..he is still sleeping...BRO PAUL came in to the class and ask us to arrange the tables properly...and luckily he didnt scold us for the RADIO....Then....RECESS LO!
Ok...I ate Curry Chee Cheong Fun (CCCF)..there were a lot of ppl in the canteen...and my CCCF coz only 1.50...yay! and i sat on a different table becoz the lower "beh hiow siaung" 6 girls sat on the usual FORM 5 table...hmm...okla...i dun think u wanna know wat i ate or drank later la
Ian!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!! the first thing he came in..and ask "where is everybody" ok...not the question u expect....well...the question we usually expect pop up after that... " where is Oscar?" hmmmmmmm then somebody ask "why din ask bout kenny" and Ian asnwer "why must i ask 4 him?" hmm this shows that he is very loyal to one person oni.....well of coz we say absent lo..then ma bincang paper lo..then ma free period....
Datin....Datin.....Datin...came in ask us to clear the table...clean the class...and ask somebody to throw the rubbish and of coz i have to do it coz see khoon not here..i cant ask the fat ass to stand and clear the fat rubbish!...rite? At first I tot ah liang rasuk into her...but i finally confirmed its DATIN..coz she oni gave the Melaka to ppl that came...well....its DATIN....and sit down on the table with her "PN MOK PASAR MALAM LOOK ALIKE" microphone....the one where someone use to sell the cepelang cepelang stuff...and instead of discussing the anwers...she GAVE the answers directly from the skema...and watever which is not on the skema..its usual...and she will skip to another question if u ask too much..and she just ignore u..hmm...typical Datin..and I wonder whether the Kementerian is Blind or desperate for a Fizik Marker...I think they are from St.Nicholas..ok...then..bell rang..and she went out of the class pushing her trolly like a "fat" air stewerdest..( ME DUNNO HOW TO SPELL ) and the corridor was like the run way....muahahahhaha
Pn goh as usual gave papers..BUT!!! must buy 4D oledi coz she din force to take..and she talk bout ASEAN scholarship mostly during this period..well her daughter get ma..gv some tips how to cheh cheh to get the thing lo..heehe..then ma go home lo...1.30 ma..then i scold the fat ass genius and ask him to lock all the doors and windows!!!
Sounds like a fun day to me!! so guys..dun come to school!!! ok!!! PROMISE!!???
SIgning offf.......*~Wah~Chai~*
Tuesday, October 5
C@sH FaCtOR...... @ the long 4gotten Island Plaza
it's howell's b'day today.... so ??? i dunno... do wish him a happy b'day yah..... heheeh....... tml ah sam mia b'day pulak.... and yesterday... datin mia b'day.... hahahahaha......
anyway..... there's an announcement to be made..... the tag board here in this website is linked to the tag board on dexter's blog.... at hahahaha..... so watever u type on this tag board will appear on the tag board there.... so some how we're linked lah......=) hehehehe......
this coming weekend...... for the fear factor wannabe's..... here's ur chance to prove to everyone that FEAR IS NOT A FACTOR for u..... go to island plaza..... friday till sunday, 2-6pm..... there's a different challenge every hour...... and there's RM150 up for grabs... so dun miss ur chance...... everyone should go... hahahaha.... prove to everyone 5Sc1 not only has the brains, but also the guts !!!... yeah.... so i will be hoping to see u guyz there...... i will be there...... try out the raw egg thing......... hahahaha the below is somesort like the poster...... hahahahaha..... just take a look if u're interested... join or just wanna watch ppl do those stuff...... just take a look....... too bad no singing sompetition..... or else dexter sure win... hahahaha........ maybe can sign him in for the "kotak merah" (red box) mia competition at the end of the year......
btw..... at the end of this month.... (30th october 2004)........ there's a halloween party down at gurney....... i know SPM is DAMN near then... but take a night off and relax lah......=)
da CASH FACTOR... ingat pergi yah ??? hahahaha..... RM 150 up for grabs every hour....=)
anyway..... there's an announcement to be made..... the tag board here in this website is linked to the tag board on dexter's blog.... at hahahaha..... so watever u type on this tag board will appear on the tag board there.... so some how we're linked lah......=) hehehehe......
this coming weekend...... for the fear factor wannabe's..... here's ur chance to prove to everyone that FEAR IS NOT A FACTOR for u..... go to island plaza..... friday till sunday, 2-6pm..... there's a different challenge every hour...... and there's RM150 up for grabs... so dun miss ur chance...... everyone should go... hahahaha.... prove to everyone 5Sc1 not only has the brains, but also the guts !!!... yeah.... so i will be hoping to see u guyz there...... i will be there...... try out the raw egg thing......... hahahaha the below is somesort like the poster...... hahahahaha..... just take a look if u're interested... join or just wanna watch ppl do those stuff...... just take a look....... too bad no singing sompetition..... or else dexter sure win... hahahaha........ maybe can sign him in for the "kotak merah" (red box) mia competition at the end of the year......
btw..... at the end of this month.... (30th october 2004)........ there's a halloween party down at gurney....... i know SPM is DAMN near then... but take a night off and relax lah......=)

da CASH FACTOR... ingat pergi yah ??? hahahaha..... RM 150 up for grabs every hour....=)

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